She provided education and helped them start their own spiritual temple. In 1999, she was recruited to the city of Rybinsk for three weeks to serve as Voodoo Ambassador for 14 Russians from all different ages and professions. Priestess Miriam's expertise in Voodoo resulted in a group of interested Russians to campaign for her assistance and wisdom. She has also been featured in articles in Spin, Playboy, The New York Times, and many more.
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Some of her TV appearances include the BBC, NBC, Discovery, CBS, ABC, TeleMundo, Sci-Fi, MTV, and Entertainment Tonight.

Since establishing the Voodoo Spiritual Temple, Priestess Miriam has appeared in documentaries from all over the world. The temple strives to present both education and clarification on the beliefs and practices associated with voodoo, in hopes of furthering enlightenment and dispelling misconceptions. The Voodoo Spiritual Temple serves the purpose of conducting services of worship and petition for people of all races whose spiritual needs can be ministered through Afro-centric American Voodooism, the Grand Spirits of New Orleans Voodoo, and the Great Universal Spiritual Tradition. The Cultural Center was added, and today the Voodoo Spiritual Temple includes the altar room, the herb apothecary and botanica, and the gift shop.

One month after Oswan's death the Cultural Center began its evolution. Four years later they expanded the foundation, and in 1995, Oswan passed away. In 1990, they came to New Orleans and founded the Voodoo Spiritual Temple. Priest Oswan and Priestess Miriam were both born in 1943, living parallel lives until their paths crossed in Chicago 1989. The purpose of the Voodoo Spiritual Temple is to educate the community about Voodoo and to dispel the myths and misconceptions associated with Voodoo since time immemorial. Zobop’s concentration is on the extreme negative.Secta Rouge’s attention is on the negative side only.Petro focuses on both the negative and positive sides.Rada concentrates on the positive side of Voodoo only.The Loa act as intermediaries between the creator and human world to maintain a spiritual balance. Belief revolves around the mixing of energies of the universe with an omnipresent creator, and that which is manifested within ourselves. Voodoo is still practiced in many locations throughout the world, passed down through oral tradition resulting in slight variations and titles between cultures.

These misconceptions still echo today in the predominant ethnocentric perspective on Voodoo. Perpetuating the racist views, filmmakers in the 1970s made the religion appear to center on gory sacrifices and zombies. The Americans mistook their rituals as Satanism and went to cruel and drastic measures to end all Voodoo practices. It spread throughout the world with the slave trade, encountering the same injustice that its practitioners faced. Originating in Africa, Voodoo is one of the oldest religions still in existence. Priestess Miriam personally defines Voodoo as a name from someone’s mind, concentrated with accumulated thoughts, brought on through experience, ascending first to a lower degree of self, be it nature or human, in a different order of activities, which bring on a sense of enlightenment, arranging its energy in a systematic structure, creating a symbolical and principled order and title. From Vodou (introspection, into the unknown) to Voudon (the power, that who is invisible, creator of all things). Voodoo is a Fon word that has acquired various spellings and interpretations.